Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mumbai Marathon 2012 - Save the Girl Child

15th Jan 2012 – The day of Mumbai Marathon…

In our corporate dream run, we ran with the motto of “Save the Girl Child”.

The preference of male child over a female has been the hallmark of Asian societies for centuries. Even after passing strict laws against prenatal methods of sex determination of fetus and abortion of female unborn child, uneven gender imbalance still persists; predominantly in North, Central and South Asia.

To combat this issue, there is a need to deepen the thinking of the girl child with regard to their infinite roles in society, enhance her self-esteem, inspire and motivate her to reach her full potential and through exposure to diverse careers and positive role models. Raising the status of women is the ultimate solution to let everyone realize that girls are on equal footing to boys.

The more the Asian nations will have adequate social security, the more the parental preference for sons will diminish. For instance, there is a need to make sure girls get an education and we ease the worries of families about old age by offering insurance.

Government should give top priority to develop and promote programs and policies to support the girl child in areas such as inheritance laws, dowries and social protection in old age that reflect as commitment to gender equality.Special supportive measures should be provided for families with no sons, to ensure protection for parents in old age.

Another approach to counterbalance the economics of gender inequality is offering cash or pension benefits to girls and empowering them by providing preferential treatment in health care, housing and employment.

There is also a need to educate the public on the negative effects of the widening demographic gap between girls and boys. The second message should be driven more by fear and shame, by emphasizing the risks associated with skirting the law, from health hazards related to unsafe abortions. Concerted campaigns in newspapers and through NGOs should be started to shape public opinion towards a greater awareness of the meaning and consequences of sex selection.

Female foeticide is a serious issue and all efforts must be made to put an end to it.I believe that our persistent efforts will eventually change people’s mindset and will narrow down this uneven gender imbalance.

Asian Countries: Struggling Hard To Wipe Out Greenhouse Gases

The environmental crisis has made its impact felt in almost all major Asian nations. Ironically, the huge destruction caused to the ecological balance is being justified in name of ensuring developmental progress. For instance, a recent report published by Delhi-based non-profit Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) suggests that " diversion of forestland in India during period 2007 to 2011 was 25 per cent of all forestland diverted for development projects in the past thirty years". Such mindless progress has not only ensured elimination of flora and fauna but also ensured dangerous repercussions for human lives. One reason why nations like Japan and India has given way to Tsunamis is that disturbing happenings on earth’s surface have led to rise of disastrous seismic activities inside the Earth; commonly referred as Earth’s crustal deformation.

The worst part of the whole affair is that governments in various Asian countries have not become fully alert to the threats posed by the man's greed. Look how the government has dealt with Ganga Action Plan (GAP) started in 1985. This landmark project started to block the flow of sewage into the river has failed to create better results despite having spent millions in all these years since its inception. We can still notice that sewage water at Kanpur or Allahabad still manages to mix with waters of Ganges all because industrial units have managed to bypass the laws by bribing the officials. Well, it's really pathetic that nations like India are so eager to present an image of being a developed nation and can spend millions to organize Commonwealth Games but the same government ensured that Yamuna dies a slow death. Now this river has virtually turned into a dirty water stream at Delhi.

The situation in neighboring nations like China or Japan is no better. China owns infamous record of having some of the most polluted countries in the world. It's quite a huge challenge for this nation to ensure that environmentally sustainable growth rate does not become an impossible task. One is unaware about the exact picture of environmental crisis in this nation due to censorship of the news but water shortage and water pollution besides loss of huge grasslands are some of the key problems there. Like any developing nation, to ensure industrial progress, China has utterly failed to acknowledge "scale and scope of pollution". On top of it, the nations like India and China are struggling hard to control carbon emission to keep it within the limits and are, in fact, in constant conflict with U.S. and other nations.

Now the problem is that United States, which is responsible for releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide emissions, wants that Asian countries should slow their development but at the same time America is not interested in following an unambiguous approach in this regard itself. As a result, global warming is increasing leading to serious environmental disasters. One of them is melting of thousands of glaciers located in the Himalayan region. No need to imagine that water shortage will be at its peak in South Asian regions once these glaciers become out of sight. As per reports, ”disquieting pattern of glacial retreat across the Himalayas " has ensured " 20 percent reduction in size from 1962 to 2001". The recent reports also confirm that when glaciers melt the “stresses in the crust locally, near the place with ice cover" also increases leading to possibility of earthquakes.

Well, it's time for the Asian giants to ensure that future generations do not pay heavy price for misdeeds of present generation. It's time to save our flora and fauna. Let's remember that if our ancestors worshiped trees, mountains and rivers they did so quite consciously. We need to be in league with same wisdom if we are at all seriously interested in having better days.