Monday, December 14, 2009

Energy Saved is Energy Generated - National Energy Conservation Week

The luxurious cars in which we roam around, the shivering cold atmosphere created by air conditioners in hot seasons and the lights which brighten up our homes at night makes our lives so relaxing and pleasant. No one can dare to even dream of life without them. But have you ever imagined the amount of energy required to run these machines! Have you ever estimated the amount of carbon effluents emitted by them into the atmosphere!

Aah! Fortunately, people all over the country are becoming aware of the problem of consuming too much energy and are making a conscious effort to conserve it. This year, 14 December is being celebrated as National Energy Conservation Day.

Energy conservation is basically the practice of reducing the amount of energy used to accomplish the same. India accounts for about 17% of world’s population but has just 1% of world’s energy resources.

As the world is feeling heat of global warming, by conserving energy, we can also lower the amount of pollutants and carbon emission in the atmosphere. Energy is essential to life and now it has become absolute necessity.

Sources of energy can be basically of 2 types: renewable and non-renewable.

Non-renewable sources majorly include coal, petrol and natural gas. As we are over tapping these resources they are gradually exhausting. Scientists have revealed that our energy resources may last only for another 40 years or so.

Renewable sources of energy are solar energy, wind energy, agricultural residue, firewood, and animal. These sources will never exhaust and are available locally in abundance.

India’s domestic consumption of energy is low as compared to population but as we are world’s fastest growing economy our energy consumption will rise. There is a growing need to bring about improvement in the efficiency of energy use.

About 24 per cent of energy consumed globally is for transportation, 40 per cent for industry, 30 per cent for domestic and commercial purposes, and the remaining 6 per cent for other uses, including agriculture.

The first step to conserve energy is not to waste it. When we save one unit of energy, it is equivalent to 2 units of energy produced.

Domestic consumption can be reduced by using energy star rated products and switching off lights and ACs and other electrical products when not in use. Switch off a little…save a lot!

Switching to renewable sources of energy is another way to save non-renewable sources
of energy. We can use solar heaters and
biogas plants for domestic and industrial purposes.

Car pooling and use of public transport can save
a lot of fuel.We should switch off our engines if
we need to stop for more than 2 minutes.

Industrial energy efficiency can be increased by pre-heating combustion air with waste and by using energy efficient motors.Lights should be switched off when not in use.

An old Indian saying indicates The earth, water and the air are not a gift to us from our parents but a loan from our children.”

More efficient energy use can increase productivity and economic competitiveness as well as lower greenhouse gas emissions per unit of output. Conservation and efficient use of energy in industry has for a long time been a priority of the Government of India. People on their part should become aware of the seriousness and do their best to conserve and preserve this energy.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good views about energy conservation.KEEP WRITING...

Anonymous said...

Superbly written but as everyone said write more on this topic............

Anonymous said...

Awesome keep writing