Friday, January 15, 2010

Attack on Indian students in Oz: A wake up call

As the spate of attacks against Indian students continued in Australia I could not resist myself from writing and putting my views forward to the people who seem to be disappointed over the racial attacks on Indians in Australia.

“MY ADVICE to every Indian student now, who wants to come to Australia, is please don’t come and there’s no life here.” This statement of Baljinder Singh, a victim of the recent ‘racial’ attack on Indian students in Australia, is quite justified.

The question arises(since there are 20 such incidents in last 1 month)if the Aussie punks are bashing only Indians or are other immigrants also receiving similar personal agitations ? if no, why only Indians?

One can comment that some of the Indians settled there are ill-behaved, do not mingle well with the Australian society, do not fit in with the Australian way of life, and are pre-occupied with their own poor lifestyle , blah...blah . But does all this justify the Australians’ discreditable act of racial attacks? Every country has its own issues.

Some of the Indians in Australia have gotten voluntarily Citizenship...I am not concerned about them.( Even I don’t like it) but what about students who are studying there? There are more than 1 lac Indian students in Oz. Of course, India has many institutions of excellence, but to get into them is like a windfall in Lotto raffle.

The Australian govt blamed media for hyping the attacks and declaring them as racial one.Our External minister asked a genuine question to his Oz counterpart ” How can you say every time that these so many attacks are non racial in just one hour of attack without any investigation? ”

Chief of Police in Oz commented that” Indians in Australia are more safer than they are in India”

How can the Chief of Police in Australia justify the racial attacks on Indian’s by comparing that Indians are safer in Australia then in India.

By comparing the safety of Indian, The chief is strongly opinionated. By smiling while he is making the statement shows how much he values a Life of an INDIA.

If 100 people of Afghanistan die in bomb attack in India,India cannot shrug it off saying it happens daily in Afghanistan


Indian Govt must take strict actions to stop this racism and must save life of Indians...

For Indian in Oz: The Dog Bites when you are in his Backyard, If you cant fight the dog ,then go to your yard. Home Sweet Home - There is no place like home. Indians with high intellectual quotient are a threat to any developed society.

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